Cinta itu adalah perasaan yg mesti ada pada tiap2 diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yg turun dari langit, bersih & suci. Cuma tanahnyalah yg berlain-lainan menerimanya. Jika ia jatuh ke tanah yg tandus, tumbuhlah oleh kerana embun itu kedurjanaan, kedustaan, penipu, langkah serong & lain2 perkara yg tercela. Tetapi jika ia jatuh kpd tanah yg subur, di sana akan tumbuh kesucian hati, keikhlasan, setia budi pekerti yg tinggi & lain2 perangai yg terpuji. -Hamka-
Al-dirassa online center learn arabic basic is the best solution which offers the most experienced Arabic tutors to teach you Holy Quran whether you're in the beginning level, including each essential language skill that will fasten your learning, we promise you will enjoy every moment of learning, so get started now!.
Al-dirassa online center learn arabic basic is the best solution which offers the most experienced Arabic tutors to teach you Holy Quran whether you're in the beginning level, including each essential language skill that will fasten your learning, we promise you will enjoy every moment of learning, so get started now!.